
Hi! I was inspired by a friend from high school to blog as well as by my husbamd who inspired me to tweet. This is going to be my way of journaling and sharing my thoughts, ideas, and feeling about lots of things!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Tummy Troubles

Food. I love food. I am a bit more squishy then I like because I love food. And if given a choice, I would rather be napping then running...But the last little while I have been having serious tummy troubles. Aches and pains. Nausea. Bloat. This terrible tummy trouble was keeping me from the gym and it was getting to a point where I just didn't want to eat. Anything. Ever.

SO I started drinking almond milk in addition to regular 2% cows milk. I like the almond milk. It was still a transition, but I am trying to make it more of a regular part of my diet rather then a "sometimes" food. It mixes well with my protein powder as I do not eat enough protein regularly. But still, the tummy troubles. So I decided yesterday to try not drinking cows milk, not eating cheese (and that one is going to be difficult) and generally staying away from dairy to see how my system would fare.

Day one: I am feeling better then I have in a very long time. Not aches. No bloat. No nausea. I have to admit that that wasn't the only thing that I eliminated from my daily diet today. I also steered clear of oatmeal. I think I will stay away from that this week also and see how I feel next Monday. It is strange for me to not eat oatmeal as it is a daily part of my morning routine at the office. But again, between the two eliminations, I feel remarkable more like me and less like the unhappy and quite morose Jamie (like the poor gal above).

So as I researched where to get my calcium this week I was sadden to see my much loved oatmeal is a good source of calcium. Hopefully it will make a regular appearance in my diet after next week, but we shall see. So I will be adding more oranges and continue to drink my almond milk.

That is all for today! We shall see how I feel the rest of the week. :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I have been watching this month as my friend Em has done the Whole Food challenge. It is really fascinating to watch and get her perspective on food and the process. I think, for me, the most interesting meal was her sweet apple omelet. I would never have thought of that and it is on my list to try!!!

I try, and for the most part succeed, at meal planning and taking food to work so that I don't spend excess money and so that I know what I am eating consistently. And I love to cook. I need to look at bringing more whole food options into my planning. I find that days like today, when I am particularly hormonal, I am starving all day! That makes smart choices more difficult when all I want is chocolate cake (most of you know I constantly have a desire for cake anyway). I did break down and ask the chocolate queen at work for some... I resisted and ended up with 3 thin mints. Best choice all around and capped them of with two glasses of water!

Em was able to follow the plan of the first two weeks with not eating dairy, sugar, legumes, grains or alcohol. That is amazing! The grains and the sugar part would be so very difficult. Bread, pasta, rice... and again the cake! But I am working on the dairy. It is hard at work and with the gym to get enough protein. I am eating more yogurt then ever (and meat ick!) and am trying to find other options for it. I have started drinking almond milk. Which tastes alright, especially since I got coconut almond milk, in my protein shakes. I think I am going to start taking that to work for afternoon snacks.